Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary

Islamic University of Kalimantan (UNISKA) Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjary Banjarmasin (MAB) is one of the private universities in South Kalimantan Provence. Brief history of UNISKA inspired by the idea of K.H. Zafri Zamzam 1961 in South Kalimantan. Islamic Antasari University (UNISAN) which has branches in almost all regencies / cities in South Kalimantan. At the time UNISAN was the only private university in this area. Lasted for about 3 years, in 1964 the official of UNISAN served as IAIN Sunan Kalijaga has branch in Banjarmasin called IAIN Antasari and lead by KH Zafri Zamzam.
Later, in seminar of South Kalimantan history which took place in Banjarmasin on 23 to 25 September 1973 and on 8 to 10 April 1976, all participants recommended establishing university that take the name of the scholars Sheikh Muhammad Al Arsyad -Banjary as the embodiment of his desire that never stops running and spread broadcast in the religion of Islam, so that with the establishment of university that includes the name of the fight he expected and hoped can be realized in South Kalimantan.